This bill would amend the private toll contract and allow the toll fees to continue and to be collected by a foreign company for another 20 years. Opponents say it is TxDOT’s goal is to get a free direct connector to SH 130 on I-35 built by the private entity rather than using some of TxDOT’s $15 billion windfall in new funds to pay-off the debt still owed on its portion of SH 130, buy back the private portion from the foreign company, and make it a freeway. That would immediately relieve significant traffic off I-35 through Austin. Proponnents say it is the best solution as the foreign company would be better able to handle the traffic and manage the toll quicker and thus reduce the congestion on I35. To voice your support or opposition to the bill, you may contact the representative directly by email or phone. It has not yet been issued on the House public comment site. Links below. Please share with fellow Texans!